Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Hello again! Last night my husband and I went to Best Buy for an Xbox 360 Elite and came home with a Wii and Wii Fit instead. I've been looking for one since August and had given up, so imagine my surprise when they actually had them! We came home shortly after 9 pm and played for an hour. It really is a lot of fun, but my arm is a bit sore this morning! I haven't hooked up the Wii Fit yet, but that is my project after work today (hey, I have to avoid homework somehow! lol). Hopefully this will help in my quest to get healthy. Lucky for me, there are several cooking games and a CSI game, so there are plenty of games to get later. Great for my entertainment, but maybe not so much for my wallet....

Friday, September 26, 2008

Five more pounds down

Hello again. I know it's been awhile.

I've lost five more pounds. It doesn't seem like much, but after not losing for what seemed like forever, I'm glad to have gotten this far. My back has been bothering me so my cardio has been lacking (to say the least) but I have started doing a yoga for back pain workout at least three to four mornings a week before work. I feel much stronger in my legs, and during the day I do the moves if my back starts to hurt and it really does help.

Yesterday was our ninth wedding anniversary. We went to the Stouch Tavern. Not exactly low-calorie, but I had the best meal and brought much of it home for lunch today. It's "our place" that we have gone since we started dating. If you've never been there, you have to go. We've never had any bad food or service there. It's the most charming place and exactly what I would have if I opened a restaurant.

Well, time to work. Talk more later.....

Monday, August 4, 2008

So, it's been awhile

Well, a lot has gone on. Since I started Grad school to get my MBA while working full-time, I've realized that I'm a lot busier than I thought I'd be. I am still determined to get heathy. My husband and I have set up a system where I am rewarded for every 10 pounds lost, and at the end, I get a new bikini and a trip to the South of France by way of Italy. Sounds good to me! Now, to get to my goal weight, which is somewhere around 135 pounds (I'm 5'4").

I have lost my first 10 pounds so far and I'm waiting patiently for my first surprise. Don't worry, I have dropped plenty of hints! I've decided that I would really like the new All-Clad Waffler (4-square) from Williams-Sonoma ( so I can make healthy wheat waffles to keep in the freezer so I always have a healthy breakfast option to go with the berries I froze this summer. Next 10 pounds I want to get the All-Clad indoor grill ( so I can easily grill chicken for lunch. I know they are a bit extravagant, but they could help me keep moving forward on the healthy eating thing and they are a great kickoff for what has been the hardest part so far.

I also started seeing a nutritionist again, and I'm back in therapy to help control stress so I don't deal with it by eating. I've organized my vast collection of workout videos and have been fairly faithful at doing them on days that I'm not swimming or doing something else. I've also been more carefully watching what I'm eating and trying to follow a lower-carb type of diet, but nothing like the Atkins diet. I'm trying to worry more about portion control than I am about what I'm eating too, so I'm not depriving myself.

Well, we'll see how the rest of the day goes! I'm learning to take it one day, one pound at a time to avoid becoming overwhelmed and discouraged. So far, so good!


Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why a blog?

Hi! I'm creating this blog for two reasons - accountability and motivation.

Over the last 14 years, I've been diagnosed with several illnesses that make being healthy difficult. Between the symptoms, the medications and the side effects, I have gone from a healthy weight to a not-so-healthy weight. Less than two years ago I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). That gave me insight as to why I was unable to lose weight, even while eating right and exercising. I just kept gaining. Since my diagnosis, I have started taking medication (to control my insulin and hormones) and seeing a nutritionist. I initially lost 40 pounds fairly effortlessly. After that, it seemed to stall. A few months ago I decided that I was tired of how I looked, tired of not liking how I felt, and tired of being tired. My husband paid for six sessions with a trainer. I had my last session last night. I'm on my own now (although I can call the trainer anytime), and I have only my own motivation and the program he developed for me using my current equipment. I also have nutrition guidelines.

So here is my goal. By being accountable to not only myself but to anyone reading this, I am hoping I stick with it. Also, I'm hoping this helps with my motivation, and anyone else who is stuck in a rut and wants to change. I know it won't be easy, and it won't always be fun, but here it goes.

I will be posting my equipment, videos, diet, mood, etc. I decided to do this after I started with a handful of potato chips for breakfast, and then decided to make an omelet wrap instead. First good choice of the day....