Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Why a blog?

Hi! I'm creating this blog for two reasons - accountability and motivation.

Over the last 14 years, I've been diagnosed with several illnesses that make being healthy difficult. Between the symptoms, the medications and the side effects, I have gone from a healthy weight to a not-so-healthy weight. Less than two years ago I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). That gave me insight as to why I was unable to lose weight, even while eating right and exercising. I just kept gaining. Since my diagnosis, I have started taking medication (to control my insulin and hormones) and seeing a nutritionist. I initially lost 40 pounds fairly effortlessly. After that, it seemed to stall. A few months ago I decided that I was tired of how I looked, tired of not liking how I felt, and tired of being tired. My husband paid for six sessions with a trainer. I had my last session last night. I'm on my own now (although I can call the trainer anytime), and I have only my own motivation and the program he developed for me using my current equipment. I also have nutrition guidelines.

So here is my goal. By being accountable to not only myself but to anyone reading this, I am hoping I stick with it. Also, I'm hoping this helps with my motivation, and anyone else who is stuck in a rut and wants to change. I know it won't be easy, and it won't always be fun, but here it goes.

I will be posting my equipment, videos, diet, mood, etc. I decided to do this after I started with a handful of potato chips for breakfast, and then decided to make an omelet wrap instead. First good choice of the day....

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